Esta producción en idioma Q'eqchi le brinda información relevante sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible conocidos de forma abreviada como ODS, consisten en 17 objetivos interdependientes establecidos por las Naciones Unidas, cada uno de los cuales tiene una propia lista de metas a alcanzar.
¿Qué sabe sobre los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible conocidos como ODS? En este programa le compartimos información sobre el objetivo 6, enfocado a garantizar que todas las personas en el mundo puedan tener acceso a servicios sanitarios adecuados y agua limpia, ya que actualmente Naciones Unidas señala que en todo el mundo, una de cada tres personas no tiene acceso a agua potable, dos de cada cinco no disponen de una instalación básica destinada a lavarse las manos con agua y jabón y no cuentan con servicios sanitarios adecuados.
Según rtve indica que hasta la fecha existen más de 44,7 millones de casos y más de 1,1 millones de muertos en todo el mundo por Covid-19.
Esta crisis sanitaria afectado mayormente a los pueblos Indígenas. Los comunicadores comunitarios Indígenas han cumplido con un rol fundamental en cuanto a llevar información hasta sus comunidades en respuesta a la poca o nula información sobre prevención y cuidados por covid-19.
Según rtve indica que hasta la fecha existen más de 44,7 millones de casos y más de 1,1 millones de muertos en todo el mundo por Covid-19.
Esta crisis sanitaria afectado mayormente a los pueblos Indígenas. Los comunicadores comunitarios Indígenas han cumplido con un rol fundamental en cuanto a llevar información hasta sus comunidades en respuesta a la poca o nula información sobre prevención y cuidados por covid-19.
Según rtve indica que hasta la fecha existen más de 44,7 millones de casos y más de 1,1 millones de muertos en todo el mundo por Covid-19.
Esta crisis sanitaria afectado mayormente a los pueblos Indígenas. Los comunicadores comunitarios Indígenas han cumplido con un rol fundamental en cuanto a llevar información hasta sus comunidades en respuesta a la poca o nula información sobre prevención y cuidados por covid-19.
In order for this right to be applied fairly, it should respect the following: 1. From the start of a project, there should be a consultation with the Indigenous People of the area; 2. There should be sufficient time devoted to ensuring that the community receive all of the information about the projects and its impacts; 3. Information should be distributed in accordance with the traditional ways of each community; 4. Any form of trying to influence the opinions of the people should be avoided; 5. All the details of decisions taken should be recorded.
For the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent to be correctly applied, it is important to know that this right is applicable to all Indigenous Peoples. It must be adhered to with respect for indigenous communities’ own methods of communication and each person’s opinion must be heard. Furthermore, it means that there should be meetings with representatives of the government, companies, and Indigenous Peoples in order to arrive at an agreement that benefits the community.
In order to ensure that the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent is complied with, there should be community meetings which make people aware of what is happening and could happen in their area. In addition to this, projects must be supervised in order to ensure that decisions made in the community meetings, are implemented during the development project.
The right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent clearly states that the government should not force people to change their method of organisation, thinking, or decision making, nor spread inaccurate information to misinform Indigenous Peoples.
It is important to demand that this law is complied with because it protects the environment, guarantees clean water and air, and it is a mechanism of controlling development projects to ensure that truly benefit indigenous communities.
The right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent is stated in national and international laws, and can be applied in defence of lands and territories when there is a project that will cause irreparable damage.
It is important to have all the information about the potential impacts of development projects on the environment, the community and the people. The information should be available in a way in which everyone can understand, and in the native language of the people it will affect.
It is important that indigenous communities obtain sufficient information prior to the start of a project in order to have an accurate discussion about the potential changes.
The negotiation process between the government and Indigenous Peoples should be free of threats, bribes or any manipulation by the government of the decisions of Indigenous Peoples.
The UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples along with other international instruments, recognises the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent as a right of Indigenous Peoples.
States should obtain Free, Prior and Informed Consent before approving any development project that will affect the lands and resources of Indigenous Peoples.
States must obtain Free, Prior and Informed Consent from Indigenous Peoples before taking legislative or administrative measures which will affect them.
Article 10 of the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples states that no one can forcibly displace indigenous communities from their territories.
The right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent means that governments have to inform indigenous communities about any development projects they want to start in their territories, and listen to their opinions before beginning the project.